Yes! I got pregnant 2

It was time to know if I was pregnant or not.

I summoned courage to step into a pharmacy store on that Saturday morning, this was three weeks after it happened and I bought two strips to run a urine test.

You really don’t want to be in this situation as an unmarried lady. The attendant looked at me in a funny way that made me feel so ashamed of myself.


Anyway, fast forward to my drama in my room before using the strip.

I knelt down next to my bed and was praying heartily for the result to come out negative and promising God I’ll share testimony and serve him forever if he answers that one prayer.

Isn’t that funny?

I had experience with the use of pregnancy strips from my training in a medical laboratory so I knew how to interpret the results well.

After soaking the sample region with urine, I dropped the strip in the bathroom and went out to pray again for a last minute miracle.

Each time I remember that, I laugh so hard because I could have simply used the energy I used for that prayer to pray for souls instead.


My dear brothers and sisters, I took one step after another to the bathroom to receive the shock of my life.

And I simply said “Temi bami”.

As if being controlled by a remote, hints of the trouble I had gotten myself into jumped at me from every areas.


I won’t forget to say the first route of escape for me was to abort immediately. I stood there shaking and staring at the two lines on the strip and the sound of my phone was what called me back to reality.

He was the one calling, you know who I mean.

Perfect timing you’ld say.

I picked it up and didn’t wait for him to say anything before saying “I am pregnant!”


Your dear brother went mute immediately as expected and I dropped the phone.

About twenty minutes after, I was on the floor with tears rolling at its will down my cheeks, thinking of the consequences of the decision of whether or not to keep the pregnancy.

I heard the door open and I looked up to see him, I had told him not to come to my apartment since the day it happened but ofcourse, God decided to do abundantly above all that we have asked or thought of and we had to meet to decide together.


I broke the silence

“I have thought about it and I have made my decision, you can go. I’ll take care of it”


Next thing I saw him do was to pull out his phone to call someone.

I didn’t know who it was until I heard “Hello sis Debby, please come to Victoria’s apartment as soon as you can, we really need you right now”

Angry won’t properly define how I felt.


“Are you mad? Did I send you? Are you okay at all?”

I kept on ranting and shouting

“You see what you have caused right?, And now you have called the whole universe to see my shame isn’t it?”


You really don’t want to be in that situation my dear, it was not funny at all!


“Babe, we have made one mistake already, we can’t allow the devil push us into making another. I will never allow you go for an abortion and I know you don’t want it too, you’re just scared and I am too”

“If you call me babe again I will slap you!, and who told you I don’t want it? Are you inside me? Is it you that will be the laughingstock of the fellowship and everyone else? How dare you claim to know what I want or not? Ofcourse it’s always the lady to bear the shame after you have satisfied your desires!”


I said a lot of terrible things and was ready to pounce on him as he was trying to calm me down. But sis Debby came to his rescue early enough.


Merciful God!

Sister Debby came with our fellowship president because she was in a meeting when she got the call and was scared she might not be able to handle it alone or maybe she was instructed to come with him,I am yet to confirm that.

Anyway, I was in such a terrible state that I couldn’t even pretend like everything was fine. I just laid down on the floor and he whispered into sis Debby’s ears.


Our president was lost in all of the drama and sis Debby asked if she could talk about it.

“There’s nothing to hide anymore I guess, God decided to throw me out in the open himself” I replied amidst tears.


My dear sister, if you were the one in this condition what would you have done?.

Honestly, I won’t deny, I have said it again and again that God sure knows I was going to fall fast for the voice that came to me to do an abortion and he already orchestrated how to stop me soon enough.

If not!!!! If not for mercy and grace,I would have given in. Infact, at that point I was asking myself why I picked up his call and why I told him about it. “You could have gotten rid of it without anyone knowing” that was that voice in my head again.


Remember, the devil is always quick to give you easy routes to cover up your sins, but watch it! It’s just going to be yet another sin.


That was how I was cautioned from getting rid of this pregnancy that very day and we began the journey a day at a time. Sis Debby demanded that I moved my things to her apartment so she could have her eyes on me and I didn’t argue because deep down I knew it was the right thing to do but I wasn’t sure I had enough strength to carry on.


Let me say some important things about having to inform our parents.

At first I was reluctant about informing my parents because I knew that meant signing an agreement to keeping the baby and I was still unsure about my readiness to do that but with many encouragements and counseling from him and sis Debby I took the step and said yes.


I called my mum and told her to place the phone on speaker so my dad could hear at the same time and I broke the news. But not before we prayed to God to help them take the news in a way that will make it easy for me.


God answered our prayers. They were disappointed but they still showed love and concern. He told his parents too and we were faced with another decision of getting married or not especially because our parents believed it would make some think I got pregnant in marriage.


Funny right.

I simply said I was not ready to get married. I am not going to rush into marriage just because I was carrying a baby.

My mum was very worried and kept on calling to ask if she should come around but I told her I’ll be fine with sister Debby. Though she visited on some weekends before I finally traveled home for holidays.


It has not been an easy journey so far but I have had the best support system.

I suggested I wanted to make a public confession in fellowship myself before it became obvious and a rumor and I had to vacate my office as the assistant choir coordinator.


That was a tough decision to make but it gave me an opportunity to warn other sisters and I could read from their faces that it was needed. It also made me have so many people ready to help me through the journey.

Sisters would come to sister Debby’s to check up on me, some brought provisions and others brought cooked food. Soon they started referring to my baby as “our fellowship baby on the way”.


A fellowship of love is a family you should pray to have.


These were the encouragement that kept me going because that phase called first trimester of pregnancy is as crazy as anything you can imagine right now.


Days I had to read for tests on empty stomach because all I was eating refused to stay down there, I had more than enough food but none was friendly.

Days I woke up so cranky and didn’t want to go anywhere and sis Debby had to sing for me and pamper me to get me dressed for school.

My tests didn’t go so well in comparison to how they used to be without the baby factor.

So when it was time for exams, I knew I had to pray for God’s strength and intervention so I won’t fail. We already passed two months successfully when exams started, there was no bump yet so I didn’t have to deal with many stares yet but the reactions going on in my body were enough trouble.

God answered my prayers and each morning after my devotion I would feel refreshed and strong and would quickly pick up my books to study and munch on chinchin and plantain chips, but evenings were for sleep, I couldn’t fight that.


And so we finished exams and I had to travel home for the session break which would last for a month. Mum resumed the duties but sis Debby kept on calling me to check up on me and he was also around me all the time since the day we realized what had happened, I had to tell him to take breaks to study too but he didn’t.


Sweet right.

He’s been here every weekend of my stay at home and never came empty handed (if you know what I mean).

Do I still love him? Ofcourse!

Will I marry him? By God’s grace.

Why can’t we get married already? It’s not time yet and we still have to get somethings done before going on that phase.


I would be traveling back to school next week and the goodness of the lord is beginning to manifest in full measure. So I think it’s time to brace myself for the stares and comments especially from my school mates.


But now that I am thinking about it, I think I’ll simply share this story on our departmental Whatsapp group before I resume so they won’t be too shocked.

I have just a session to go in school and I know final year has been reported as being the toughest for many, I don’t know the drama that’ll be happening in my body for the next 6months and I don’t know what to expect when our baby finally arrives but all I can say is that I am glad I didn’t make the mistake of killing my precious baby and I trust God to help me through.


I repeat! It’s not as easy as this story is making it seem and there are still days I find it difficult to pray and would almost fall into depression.


The assignment the Lord has given me before it all happened which is to preach sexual purity to the younger generation is another worry I have had on me and of which I’m yet to find a bearing.

So it’s a whole lot!

And it’s safer to prevent all these than to maintain it.

Not even about getting pregnant alone now but about the struggles that comes with it and the consecration that’s broken along the line.


Flee from every appearance of lust brethren. Flee!!!!!


But if you are like me, who have fallen into it already, please and please, do not wallow in guilt, God’s love and forgiveness is real and this is me being a reminder to you dear.

The devil keeps on bringing flashes of your mistake to push you away from the place of prayer which is a place of refreshing and mercy.

Shun that voice of condemnation now and accept the mercy of the Lord.


The grace of the Lord be with us all now and forever.

Remember me in your prayers.

I need strength to have a full testimony and for the safe arrival of my precious baby.

God bless you.


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14 thoughts on “Yes! I got pregnant 2”

    1. …and how the sisters in the fellowship rallied around her. That’s what fellowship should be about, helping others get back on their feet.

  1. Alabi David Tolulope

    May God grant her strength and the ability to carry the pregnancy to the delivery time in Jesus name….

    It teaches lesson a lot to the youth…
    *Thanks for sharing*

  2. The support system she had was a plus for her, especially her parents. Just thinking about those going through this same situation and do not have a support system or probably have just a few people on their sides.
    More Inspiration from the Holy Spirit to write more edifying stories.
    Well done Faithplane.

  3. Wow
    Am more than blessed with this

    May God see you through and give you the strength to give birth to the amazing baby.
    And he/she shall bring joy to your home

  4. Wow thanks for sharing this sis❤️. I really learnt a lot… You are truly a definition of a strong woman 💪. Thrive 🥺🥰

  5. This is a beautiful story that is needed at this time. The people around you really matter, they strengthen you when the challenges of life do it is important to move with the right set of people. More wisdom unto you sis💕

  6. Wow!
    This is an inspiring story and also a lesson.
    No matter what ones has done, God mercy is still available.
    People around you matters, a lots.

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