U and I

There are so many relationship stories I have heard and learnt a lot from but one that keeps recurring in my memory is the U and I love story created by my cousin Iremide and Uchechi his omo Igbo babe. Iremide is my favorite cousin with whom I love to discuss and share things with and vice versa. The adventurous memories I shared with Ire will be in another story.
But today let’s talk about U and I


Iremide is the only son and last child of Pastor and Pastor(Mrs) Davis after three female children; Ibukun, Ifeoluwa and Iyanu. And as much as his mum tries to hide it we all know he’s her favorite of all of them but Mr Davis was not corrupt in his love, and instead of pampering Iremide got more discipline from him than his sisters.

Ire was always the best at everything he decides to do and hence the increase in the love his mum had for him and his elder sisters were in no way jealous of this, instead they also showered him with more love and care and so on admission into the University, he had no issue with finances. He could call any of his sisters to meet his needs and his parents never failed in sending him weekly upkeep funds.

Ire had been a church boy from the beginning of his life and never missed service every Sundays and was always in church for bible study on wednesdays. He was a part of the choir and assisted by playing the drums so well that he was greatly missed when he left his home church for school. It was in his second year in school that the continuous prayer of Pastor and Pastor (Mrs) Davis earned them a testimony. Ire finally decided to take a step further in knowing God and so he gave his life to Christ.

It was such an awesome experience for him because he didn’t stop talking about the Joy he felt within him and how he had various dreams and visions of Jesus telling him how much he loves him and cares for him. It was his Joy that influenced Iyanu his immediate elder sister and she chose to get serious with God too after so many efforts from their parents that seemed abortive.

Oh ok, I think I should add that he preached Jesus to me too and the enthusiasm and Joy with which he talked about his experience melted my heart and changed me too. Even now that I talk about it I feel so much Joy within me and I am going to shout GLORY!!!!
Ire became a fire filled minister of God in his fellowship and in his third year he was made the evangelism coordinator and he was also a member of the Prayer unit causing uproars after every of his prayer ministrations and numerous testimonies of healings after each evangelical outreach.

Yes. My Cousin was and is still a God loving, Spirit led and fire branded believer.


Uchechi the Oyinbo Omo Igbo as I like to describe her is the first child in the family of five children and the first of the five females. Her parents were not pastors but they loved God and taught them the way of the Lord. Uchechi unlike Ire, found her path with God earlier, as early as age 12 when she was called out in one of the church crusades she attended with her mum and received a prophecy of being great and a voice to Nations.

The prophet did a complete work by adding to the prophecy that there’s a need for her to know God and walk with him for this to be accomplished and that was her reason to have chosen to follow God.
She had more experience on the journey than Ire and was the sisters coordinator in the same fellowship where Ire was the Evangelism coordinator. She had many females conversions to her record and the more she earned the more her humility.

I won’t forget to add that she was and is still a natural fairness and complete beauty. Uchechi was born and brought up in Lagos and hence her fluency and interesting communication with the western people.
Uchechi had so many responsibilities on her shoulders and had to ensure that her younger sisters didn’t go astray and also get involved in so many side businesses to be able to assist her parents when needs multiplied.

The Visions and confirmations

In their fourth year in school, Iremide called me to inform me of his visions and feelings for sister Uche. I was in my third year in same school and was also a member of the same fellowship, so you can trust my details as I explain to you here and enjoy the journey as we move.

“Bukola, I don’t want to make mistakes, I have had dreams and visions pointing to Uche as the lady for me but I don’t want to be mistaken, It might just be infactuations you know and I really don’t want to raise my hopes, she’s too perfect for me and all” he said to me the first day he developed courage to voice out.

I promised to pray about it with him but I already knew what my answer will be anyway, even if God didn’t say anything I was ready to make Ire shoot his shot no matter what. Sister Uche is the best lady that can be trusted to take care of him more than his mum and his sisters have been doing since she has been a mother to her siblings herself. Ire saw my enthusiasm and had to remind me of his seriousness and the need for me to pray without having my own desire overwhelm me to say Yes when God is saying something else.

I didn’t even care to listen to the rest of his sermon. I walked out of his room with so much joy to my house to prepare for church the next day because it was handing over service and I had also been interviewed to become an executive and I had to choose a nice outfit and iron it well Incase I was really inducted.

As I was picking my clothes, I kept on imagining sister Uche being in the room with me and relating with me as real family, sister-in-love was the term, Yes, I kept thinking about how sweet that’ll be and when it was time to pray the only thing I could say was “Dear Lord, you know how much I love Iremide and how much I love sister Uche too, please bring them together so I can enjoy this all round sweetness in reality and not just in my head, Thank you Lord because you are a God of Love who always sets all things straight and make things and people perfect in Love. I love you Lord. Amen”

I was in church very early and I saw someone praying at the altar. I didn’t want to but I found myself going closer to see who it was and as I got closer I realized it was sister Uche and I heard her voice as she prayed “Dear Lord, I know Iremide is the one for me but Lord I have a lot before me and I don’t think I am ready for this step, I need more time Lord.” And before I could recover from the shock of what I just heard I heard a voice in response but didn’t see the speaker. “Trust me daughter, it is time and again I say it is time”

“Okay father, I trust your leading always”.

As I hurried to turn before she rounds off and finds me there my phone rang and it was my 5:30am alarm. I just had a dream, there’s definitely no better confirmation i needed than that. And so, I said my prayers with overflowing joy and freshened up for church service.

I remember that day, immediately I got to church, I ran straight to whisper into Ire’s ears “Guy, na she ooo“. We were unable to talk because he had to meet with his unit members before service and i had things to also attend to. As the service proceeded,I realized that my long term worries on what post will be handed over to me had been replaced by the joy of seeing Ire and sister Uche together and I could not stop staring at sister Uche and Iremide at frequent intervals. “What a perfect match”. Soon, it was time for induction. Sister Uche was re-inducted as the sister’s coordinator while Ire was inducted as the brother’s coordinator. Lets not talk about my post here,that will be a story for another day.

I told Ire the revelation i got and he said he would pray to God to orchestrate a perfect time to talk to her about it and express his feelings. It was not going to be so difficult because they have been very good friends even before then.

It is really not my desire to bore you with all of these but i believe a good understanding of the background is needed for my story to be well passed. Now, to the main focus of my story.

The Relationship

Iremide proposed to Sister Uche and she agreed with many confirmations from her end to back up the truth that God was involved and had brought them together in Love.

From here downwards, I’ll be writing directly as narrated by Iremide and recorded by myself when I met him for advice on a topic for my next blog post.

“Bukola, this story is a long one o, but I will make it short and direct.You know how i started my relationship with Uchechi already, so i don’t need to go over that again.

Now, what you all saw was the perfection and sweetness of the coming together of your sisters coordinator and brothers coordinator that will call down RAW FIRE on the kingdom of darkness right. Well, my dear, that was exactly what we thought too when we started the relationship. You know how that one will chase a thousand and two will chase ten thousands, with the zeal we started with ehn, we were ready to chase hundred thousands. But my dear, now that i think about it, I think the devil must have been laughing at us because that was a Joke compared to what became of our relationship in two months.

It started exactly two weeks after we started the journey. Uche came to see me in my hostel and we were alone. It was not her first time coming to my hostel alone. Ofcourse she had been to my place frequently when we were just friends and will sometimes spend hours watching a movie, reading a book or just having discussions about our walk with God and sharing experiences and there will be no strange feelings. On this particular day, I only hugged her when she arrived and i felt this chill down my spine, i had never felt that way before and i didn’t understand it. The time I had a similar feeling before that day was when i was made to hug Rachel in a truth or dare game far back in SSS2.

You remember Rachel right?, the assistant head girl of our secondary school that I told you I always saw giving me flowers in my dream then.You know I never got the courage to tell Rachel how much I liked her then. And her mum was our food vendor o, I would have been enjoying free food yeah. Because I am sure she liked me back but was only waiting for me to talk first. *laughs*

Anyway, I said that to remind you that I didn’t have any girl friend before Uchechi and so my experience with girls before i met her was zero. All the ideas I had were the few i heard from friends and some bits on social media.

Back to my story of the happenings on that day. I felt that chill down my spine and I pulled away immediately because it was strange. I saw the shy look on Uche’s face too but i quickly invited her in to escape the awkward moment.

When we entered the room, she sat close to me and rested her head on my shoulders. I thought, was this not too close? but the thought was choked by the sweet smelling fragrance of her body mist and I said into her ears that she smelt nice and i loved it.In response to that, she looked directly into my eyes and said “thank you darling”. Ah Bukola, that was when my eyes was opened to the full package i had in my hands. The fairness, the smile, the soft skin and her round clear eyes. “Everything enter me ni ooo” all at once and i felt like holding her so tight against myself and not letting her go. I was fighting the urge to kiss her because i knew it was wrong and I didn’t even know how to do it. But I wrapped my arm around her, raised her head to look directly into my eyes again and my mouth went close to her head and yeah I planted a gentle kiss on her forehead.

We got interrupted by Bro James who came to see me for some issues he was having with school then. He knocked the door, I allowed him in and he was present for about an hour during which Uchechi had to leave. When I sat alone on my bed that night thinking about what happened, all i could think of was what could have happened if that brother had not come in.

You want to know the funny thing Bukky?, I wasn’t thinking about any consequences, I was thinking of how sweet it would have been because having her so close to me and knowing she was mine felt like the sweetest feeling in the whole universe for me.

To be continued…..

Is it abnormal for Iremide to have felt that way when Uchechi came close to him?

There have been times she visited when they were just friends and nothing happened, what then is the cause of the feeling of charges all over his body?

Leave a comment. We’ll love to learn from you

3 thoughts on “U and I”

  1. Alabi David Tolulope

    1) it is normal for ire to have felt that way based on the grown feeling he had to her..

    Satan will only play with want he sees in you..

    During the time they do visit each other, no feelings attached..
    It was just a normal friendship not relationship that has been confirmed by God which will lead to marrying each other..

    It only takes the help of God when we talk about relationships with a strong feelings…..

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