Welcome to school

Jude and I traveled to School together since we got rooms in the same apartment, off campus. Diana had followed us to the park as a good friend and girlfriend. I watched her shed tears in expression of how much she’ll miss her baby.

I kindly walked towards her and hugged her to ease her stress even though I knew the tears she was shedding was nothing compared to the pain she’ll go through when I unfold my plans in full.

“I can’t help the tears J, I’ll miss him so much. He’s like my everything you know, and I can’t afford losing him to any of those university girls” she said in between sobs.
“D baby, I know it’ll really hurt you and almost kill you if you lose him and so I promise to keep watch on him for you and make sure his attention is not gotten by any other girl” I said to encourage her.

Fast forward to weeks after resumption. Jude had been admitted to study Pharmacy and since our courses were both medical courses we received most of our lectures together and soon people began to think there was something between us. Whenever Jude caught people trying to insinuate such, he was quick to say “Oh Janina is just like a sister to me, we have been together for so long, like childhood friends you know?”. At this, I just smiled to myself knowing he actually wanted it and was just fighting his feelings. I let the people do the matching till he couldn’t deny again and only smiled whenever he was called my boyfriend.

Action time

Then, I knew it was action time. That cool evening, after resting from school stress, I made a nice meal of rice and fish sauce. I had heard Jude narrating how stressful his day was to a neighbor and I knew he must be resting in his room. So, I served a portion of the meal in a dish, took a fresh shower and wore my evening dress with a little spray of mild perfume. It was not the first time I was serving him a portion of my homemade meals but that evening had to be different because I had waited long and patiently enough.

I knocked on his door and he answered with a sleepy voice. Immediately he opened the door, the attraction he felt was obvious. He appeared to be lost in a world that must have been in my favor as I saw how he carefully examined me from head to toe without saying a word till I called him back to life. “Hey Jude, can you at least let me in?”.

One of the things that attracted me to Jude was his neatness and orderliness. His room was always clean and we’ll arranged no matter what and that evening was not an exception. I carefully placed the food on his reading table. He kept on staring at me and tried to hide it by saying I can go to my room and he’ll bring the plates after eating. But I wasn’t taking that and so I told him I’ll stay with him from the beginning of the meal till the end.
The rest they say is story. I finally had the opportunity to explain how Diana fooled and betrayed me after I told her I was going to give him a yes when he asked to be my boyfriend. Soon, he stopped picking up her calls and when she called me to ask about that I acted as though I was completely ignorant.

The visit

One hot Saturday afternoon, I was i in Jude’s room where I spent most of my time as usual, he had gone to get something for us to eat and I was watching a movie to distract me from my unrelenting hunger. Immediately I heard the gate, I jumped up with Joy to welcome the food and the bearer and then I realized he wasn’t only bearing food but with him was the last person I could have expected to see; Diana!!!. What was she here for and how did she even get here?.

I was in one of Jude’s shirts and it was too late to run to my room and get a change of clothes, so I acted normally and hoped she won’t notice that. I ran out to hug her and didn’t stop telling her I had missed her so much and was so happy to see her. She was looking so lean and different and I saw she had come with a small bag and a big bag which meant she was not going that day.

I took her bags from her and pulled her into my room- because my presence in Jude’s room couldn’t be hidden, I had to give him the chance to get things sorted so she won’t suspect anything, at least not yet. “I have missed you so much Diana, what a pleasant surprise D! I hope you don’t plan to leave soon, because I have so much to tell you and so many places I’ll want you to see” I said to confirm how long she really planned on spending with us. And she only smiled and said; “It all depends on Jude, you know I really don’t understand him these days and I don’t even know the reaction to expect from him, I just had to come because his being away is killing me, look how lean I have become J. He claims to be busy with school and all, is that true? And you think I should believe he’s not cheating on me J?

“Diana, I didn’t say he wasn’t cheating though, I only said I didn’t know why he was ignoring you and you know I have been busy too, there’s no way I could be monitoring him all the time, a course like Medicine won’t even allow me have enough time for myself. But now that you are here, you should discover if anything is going on yeah. Just calm yourself and settle in first okay, take your bath and change your clothes, let me go and get you something to cool off.” I said all of these without prior preparation for the whole drama but I knew I had to meet Jude for explanation and know his plans on getting her to leave. He wasn’t going to let her take my space again if he didn’t want trouble.

Pay back

I went to his room and he handed over my stuffs to me a in a big black polythene bag to veil the content. I took that from him and told him immediately “I don’t know what you are going to do about it and I don’t care how she even got here, all I need you to know is that she has to leave!”. With that being said, I left his room to get Diana a drink from the Mummy Vero’s shop. As I walked towards the shop I kept on thinking about it all and asking myself if I was being selfish and wicked but I concluded that I wasn’t, I only took back what was initially mine and without troubles at all. I got the drink and returned to the house to find Diana in tears at the door to Jude’s room.

“He said he doesn’t want me again J, Jude is saying I am not up to his standard anymore and I should not have come, What did I do wrong? I have tried all my best to remain faithful to him, I call him everyday to check up on him and make sure he’s fine, I pray for him always, something has changed J, come help me speak to him. He won’t even open the door to see me, he’s saying I should just leave, is that possible???” She said as tears flowed down her cheeks. Her noise was beginning to call the attention of our neighbors and so I took her to my room quickly to avoid side talks and gossips.

“D! I will try to speak to him but you also need to improve on yourself dear, you know he now moves with students in the university now, you can’t compare the Jude of now with the same Jude that agreed to date you in secondary school. You need to work on yourself too and be better. Maybe then, no guy will be able to talk you down like he just did” I said to her, trying so much to hold myself back from saying it serves her right and that’s what she gets for being a bad friend.

“Is it my fault that I didn’t get admitted into the university like you both? Is it my fault that I love him so much? If he wants my body, he can have it. I don’t think I can survive if he leaves me J! I can’t”

That was all she had to say and I knew she was definitely leaving first thing tomorrow morning. How dare her talk about giving him her body? She really was desperate and was ready to do anything. So I prevented that by making her understand that sex doesn’t keep a man and he will only use her for pleasure and leave her. I told her to be grateful he had not even slept with her before breaking up with her and no guy was worth her tears even Jude.

“Thanks for the reminder Janina, my mum has always warned me about that too, but it’s really painful to let go just like that. I am really hurt and broken and willing to do anything even if it includes giving myself to him just to take this pain away. But just as you have said, I will go home and improve on myself too. He’ll regret ever doing this to me and will hope he had not left me. Thank you so much Janina, but if you can still talk to him, I wouldn’t mind.” She said and hugged me tightly.

“That’s the spirit dear, don’t allow any guy use you or take your Joy away.” As I said that I felt a bit of guilt considering how I have thrown myself to Jude countless times and how I was damaging my body already with contraceptive pills, but as quickly as the thoughts came, so it also left because no one really cared, mum was only interested in me coming out with good grades and that didn’t look like a problem to me. All I needed to do was create time to study and continue with my enjoyment on the other hand.

I couldn’t sleep in Jude’s room that night of course because Diana was around. She left very early the next morning, she knocked on his door to let him know she was leaving and we realized he was not even at home. I understood he had left after playing his part and expected me to complete the task. I saw her off to the park and that was the last time I saw Diana.

Happily never after

I returned home and Jude was waiting for me already. I was so happy he had finally chosen me over her that I satisfied him throughout the day and he was pleased too.
Some weeks after that day, I was feeling feverish and weak and my menstrual flow had delayed. I ran a test immediately and was relieved I wasn’t pregnant. I knew I had to be more careful if I didn’t want to become a mother in school just like my mum.

First year ended so well and Jude and I were fully living the couple’s life and everything felt normal. My grades were super as always and I told mum about it which made her increase my pocket money. All the while I knew mum was having her share of freedom and enjoyment since I left the house too because I have always been the hindrance to most of her dates and sweet moments she craved for and since I was away, I knew she must be having fun. Little wonder she never thought of the need to even come see me in school.

At the end of year 2, Jude’s grades had dropped drastically and his mum got to know about us. She scolded him and made sure he left the house to another apartment but that didn’t stop us. We still met frequently and I tried as much as possible not to raise the issue of our results anytime he was around.

Unanticipated reaction

On this fateful day, our faculty was having an orientation program for the freshmen and Jude and I were present. I was invited to speak to them on how the journey had been and how I have been able to top my class so well for two consecutive years. I had wished Jude wasn’t present because I never told him my results were that excellent. I only told him I was fairing well and didn’t have any problem and he never asked beyond that.

After my speech that day, I saw him walk out of the hall and I ran after him to explain of course but he waited to listen to my explanation and there was nothing to say. I tried calling him so many times but he ignored all. I went to his apartment and he didn’t open the door even when I was so sure he was in the house.

After a week, he finally sent a message which read,

Hey Janina Jaiyeola, how could you be so wicked?. My mum warned me severally that you were not ordinary but I thought she was being traditional. Now I know better, you’ve been spending time with me and using your witchcraft power to sap all my intelligence to increase yours. I have been a fool for these past years and I curse the day I met you. I curse the day I let down my guard and opened up to you. Diana was a very good girl but you made me push her away without even thinking twice. You have had your time of controlling me but it has come to an end!. Don’t call me! Don’t look for me and Don’t even speak to me when you see me if you don’t want me to disgrace you. You unrelenting Witch from the pit of hell!”

Fame or shame?

It was difficult for me to let go because I have always thought and believed Jude and I will get married after school especially after all I had done to satisfy him. So after I came out of my misery, I vowed never to love any man again. I thought I could stay without a man actually but my sexual drive had been awakened and soon I was uncomfortable and was open to any available guy that showed the slightest interest. But I made sure there was no emotions attached, we just did anything we did for fun.

Soon, I became a topic for discussion amidst my coursemates and I could hear their talks about me being the free-giver and even the guys I had never spoken to were saying things like they have had their own taste too and I knew I had to do something.

I decided I was going to leave the department and switch to another course of study since I never had any real friends anyway. Most believed I was too proud, others have hated me since they tried to get close to Jude and I didn’t allow and the guys had no respect for me anymore. Each day I had to go to class was hell for me.
I made my decision without informing my mum about it knowing fully well she would never want to hear it.

I walked to the office of our level adviser and immediately I opened the door and stepped in, she looked up and said here comes the Famous Janina, I have been waiting for you.
I didn’t understand what she meant by fame, it looked more to me like shame than fame and she said she had been waiting for me. A lot of questions ran through my mind as to whether she had heard about the stories about me.
But I sat quietly, not knowing what to say nor what to expect from the woman before me.

To be continued…….
Read, share, anticipate.

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