An Interview with Kunmisola

Self Introduction

I could be very shy and blank when it comes to introducing myself and I do better when asked what exactly you really want to know about me. So you can always reach out via the Information on my contact me page.

But for general knowledge, I like to say; My name is Igbin Christiana Oluwakunmisola, a lover of God, seeking to know him more and please him to the latter.
I am very friendly and jovial and have good social relation skills. When you want to describe a person who claims to be shy but everyone sees her as confident, just use my name.

I am a teacher. The only things I can’t teach are the things I don’t know and the things I don’t know are the things I have not learnt. So I am someone who loves to learn new things to improve my teaching any spice up the passion into productivity.

How Faithplane started

Well well well, I’ld say Faithplane started with God, or preferably it started with my journey with God.
On that faithful day, after I gave my life to Christ and accepted him as my personal Lord and savior, I got home and felt the desire to write my life story before Christ, which I did and ended it with appreciation to God for the gift of salvation.

After then, I’ll pick up my pen and Jotter and write short articles and stories from time to time with the conclusion always pointing to God and that was it. I only wrote them for my personal consumption and no other person.
After a while and some improvement on the whole writing journey, I started pushing out to people by sharing on my social media handles and got some positive responses from those who’ll take out time to read them. I thought that was all to it until I met a friend who opened my eyes to see the main vision.

I met him at the point when I had grown to realize my writing could be more and not just limited to my pages but I didn’t know how to go about it. He saw some of the stories I had written then, and mentioned that I had to start a blog.

Being a very shy person and always scared to do new things, he had to push me and encourage me to kick start. Then, we had to pray for the website name and we got FAITHPLANE.

Do you get paid?

Hmmmmmmm, I get to answer this question frequently and some others automatically assume and do not ask about it.

Well, there are avenues you can make money as a blogger, probably by attaching some marketing links for promotion of certain products or other legal ways.
But presently on Faithplane, I am not earning any money because the focus is on passing the message. Sometime in the future, there might be needs for some affiliate marketing of Gospel oriented products and programs but that is not happening soon.

What inspires your stories?

The stories and writings on Faithplane have always been inspired by the Holyspirit, mostly in the place of prayers and fellowship. The inspiration comes from the Holyspirit in various forms ranging from hymns, to the word of God, to revelations and also happenings around.

Do you run the blog alone?

For now, I’ll say 90% yes. I give 5% to Oluwagreat graphics who I celebrate so much for his great contribution by assisting in some attached videos here on the blog and more importantly,for his patience and unforgettable assistance on the Say_No_to_Indecent_dressing trend.

The remaining 5% goes to the one I like to call my coach in blogging, Mr Tunde Philip. My coach is a travel blogger at and a very good teacher. He assisted me with all the initial stages of running the blog and setting it all up.
Every other works, writing, uploads, graphics and so on have been handled by my humble self.

What to expect in Faithplane 2.0

First, we appreciate God for a successful first year and we trust him to lead us even as we proceed into the next phase. But being asked this question, I’ll say the few things that we are sure we’ll be adding in this new year.

First is an increase in our level of consistency and distribution. First year was good but could have been better if consistency was put in place. We’ll be improving greatly on our consistency and orderliness so help us God.

Secondly, we’ll be unlocking another category of writing and that’ll be Book reviews. We’ll pick books as led, read them and do the reviews here, either as a story or short notes. Recommendations will also be taken from our readers occasionally.
In addition to those stated earlier, for an increase in excellent results and works, we’ll be opening up departments for volunteers, such as Graphics/media, Readers and the Distribution departments.

The graphics and media will be held with the responsibility of all designs and media works, Readers department will be the power house for our newly unlocked category and the Distribution department will be in charge of pushing our new posts and works to our prospective audience.

The link to register as a volunteer will be added at the end of this interview.

What other thing(s) do you do asides Faithplane?

Other things asides faithplane, will be the fact that I’m still a student of Biochemistry in the Federal university of Agriculture Abeokuta in Nigeria.
I also do some academic tutorials for kids for the love of teaching and also to earn money.

I am also a lover of teenagers, so I visit high schools to fellowship with them.

What can you say is the future of Faithplane?

In one sentence I’ll say “The future of Faithplane is definitely excellent”. We have not seen all of the picture, but the bits we have seen points to greater experiences ahead.
God helping us to follow his instructions per time of course, we shall be great. Amen.

Any words for your readers?

The first thing I want to say is that I love and appreciate you all so much. You all have special seats in my heart. And special applause to those that not only read but also share with others, I deeply cherish your efforts and I celebrate you greatly.
I just want to encourage us to continue in the way of the Lord and not lose the Faith, keep it strong as we continue on the journey through faithway on FAITHPLANE.

Link to register as a volunteer;
If you are in need of clarification, send a mail to or a direct WhatsApp message to +2348094581241

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