Brother David

David was one of the Sunday school teachers in our church. He speaks with top notch fluency and accurate articulation.

I am known by all to give so much attention to my appearance and scent to mark my presence, but in comparison to David, I’ll try to have a 50% Stand. He walks with such elegance and leaves a pure fragrance.

Brother Dee as I liked to call him always stood before the Sunday school class to teach with confidence and charisma but each time he stood before me, it appeared like he was the king of all introverts, he would speak few words and try to hide his shyness with frequent smiles which was one thing I found fascinating about it.

I told Dcns Deborah about brother Dee and how he was always shy whenever he came to speak with me, she only laughed and said; “give him time, he’ll summon up the courage soon, you just be sensitive and use this opportunity to get your answers from above. So incase he finally speaks up, there won’t be unnecessary waste of time”.

And I started praying to God to be sure if Bro David was the one. I had my reply but brother David didn’t have the confidence to speak up.

The two brothers I met outside church were nicely dressed and very fluent just like brother David. I love men with confidence, charisma and good speaking skills. For these two it was love at first sight.

Brother John

I met John exactly two weeks after my talk with Dcns Deborah. I saw the flyer for the singles seminar a day before and I just felt so strongly that I had to be there. I got to the venue earlier than the stipulated time and brought out a book to read.
I heard a voice behind me saying; “can I sit next to you please?” I said quietly, “Holy Spirit you know you have all the space in my life” and I continued reading, smiling to myself.
I felt a gentle tap and I looked up to see who it was, he smiled at me and repeated the question “can I sit next to you please?”. I burst out laughing at myself for thinking it was the Holyspirit.
He was confused and I knew it so I quickly put myself together and said, feel free please, the seat is free.

He sat next to me and we got talking, we exchanged phone numbers and that was the beginning of our friendship.

John was a very good friend and brother but he had his assignment in the music ministry which was far from what the Lord had revealed to me.

Two sentences I got while praying concerning my marital life; “Your purpose and assignments will align” and “He’ll help you love me more”.

I had shared it with Dcns Deborah and she asked that I pray about purpose discovery which I did and I had revelations of me supporting a man in leading a church. I couldn’t recognize the man but the message was clear. I was going to marry a pastor.

Admiration going wrong

The other brother I met outside church was not even much of a case,as I was the one admiring him from afar. He didn’t come close and I was grateful to God for that.
He had come to minister during one of our youth programs, he was around for three days and I thought he was single but he was not. I later got to know that he was engaged to be married soon.
I decided then to enjoy myself in fellowship with God and worry less about Marital life.

Brother Adekola

In my quest of knowing God more, Brother Adekola was sent by God to help me see God. That’s the best description I think I will use to describe how he helped me.

Dcns Deborah had introduced me to him on one of my frequent visits to her office after our long talk.

On that fateful day, I was checking out her collection of books on marriage and I said to her,
“Ma, you know I have really stopped worrying about getting a man, I know when it’s time he’ll knock on the door”
And immediately after my sentence, there was a knock on the door of her office. We both looked at one another and she said, “Or is he the one knocking on the door now?”.We both laughed.

“Come in” she called out.

As the door opened, I suddenly felt so anxious to know who it was and Bro Kola came in, giving a humble bow to Dcns Deborah.

Bro Kola was not as tall as Bro David neither was there any fragrance of expensive perfume. As a matter of fact he appeared so simple you wouldn’t think he was earning so much, yet there was something different about him I couldn’t figure out.

I didn’t know him as a member of our church, so I thought probably he was a visitor. I was busy checking out his features when Dcns Deborah called back my attention.
“Sister Ife!”

I don’t know how long she had been calling me but the look on her face showed that wasn’t the first time she called and that made me feel awkward but I covered it up with a smile.
Dcns Deborah introduced me first, “Bro Kola, this is sister Ifeoluwa a very gentle daughter of mine”. And with confidence he said; “Oh, I have been seeing her often”.
I was shocked, I had never met him before and he was saying he has been seeing me often, I didn’t know when I said out loud; “me? How?”.
“In church I mean, I see you from our small window in the electronics and media room”.
Then I understood he was actually a member but his department hid him from the church.

Beginning of Friendship

Dcns Deborah continued with the introduction and I had a nice time with them, one of the interesting part of our discussion was when I asked if those in his department ever gets to learn anything from service considering how busy things could get and if they don’t feel left out not being with the congregation.

He carefully explained how they were not left out in any way as they could hear all that’s being done and follow carefully.

He went on to say, they come to church a day before service days to ensure the proper working of all the electronic equipments and still come very early to do a cross check so there won’t be distractions during service except for some very few occasions when those gadgets act up without prior signs.

He also added that the head of their department reminds them always that they must pay full attention to the service that they may be blessed too.

After that day, bro Kola and I became very good friends, I got to know he was actually the head of his department and was so knowledgeable in scriptures even though he wasn’t a Sunday school teacher.

Bro never said anything to me about marriage and I was also comfortable with our friendship. He challenged me to pray more, study more and fast more, he really helped me grow and I thought that was it, just a Christian friendship.

The Bull’s eye

We continued this way, until one day, we were having a discussion about Christ and the Church as his bride.

He went ahead to say “You know Christ loves the Church and desires that the Church grows to be like him and even better than he was on earth.” I was nodding my head in understanding as he continued;

“If I am going to get married soon, I’ll do everything I can to make my lady better In all ways too, if she is still a babe in spirituality, I’ll be willing to patiently help her see things better”.

Then I asked him; “so are you getting married soon? and if yes, when do you want to introduce me to her?”

“Yes, I’ll be getting married very very soon, I don’t know about introducing you to her though. All I know is I have been spending most of my time with her and putting efforts in making her better”

As he said that, It was like a gentle wind across my face and I asked “Which other lady do you spend more time with than you do with me?”

“None” he replied.

“Jesus!, You mean I am that lady?”.

I didn’t wait for his reply, I picked up my bag and headed straight to Dcns Deborah’s office. As I walked I thought of my time with him, how he had helped me with my spiritual life, how we have always reached a point of similarity with most of our visions and goals and the last sign I needed was announced in service that day.

Bro Adekola was going to be the Pastor in charge of the newly established parish.

The long awaited came with ease

How was I so ignorant of all these obvious pointers.
I walked faster to Dcns’ office. On getting there, she was about taking a nap, I couldn’t wait. I narrated the whole thing to Dcns Deborah and she sat down quietly, listening and smiling.

After my long stories, I asked what she had to say and she said; “I knew it since the first day you both met in my office”.

And that was how easy he came to me. My dear husband swept me off my feet in so peaceful a way that I didn’t see it coming.
It has been love all the way. It has been God all the way. Because God is Love.

End notes

1. The first thing in knowing the right person for you is a journey into your personal purpose discovery. It makes it easy to recognize the help meet you need.
2. When you make God your everything, he’s going to give you everything you need.
3. Be mindful of your feelings, any strange feelings for a married fellow should be crucified immediately.
4. Nothing takes the place of prayer in our desire for a perfect marital life.
Matthew 6:33
But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you

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