As a teacher in a primary school, I love teaching all subjects but I have certain preferences and one of those is verbal reasoning and my love for Wednesdays rests on this reason; that I am to take my pupils a topic in verbal reasoning after mid day break.
Just last week Wednesday, after taking my simple lunch of sausage and orange juice the bell sounded to tell the school the mid break was over and it was time to resume work.

My class monitor walked to my table and said; “Tutor Christy, it’s time for verbal reasoning”.
How I love the sound of that, I thought, smiling and filled with Joy. “Get your verbal reasoning workbooks and distribute to your classmates dear”, I replied.
Checking my teacher’s guide, I saw the topic for the day as “word formation” and the question for example is as seen in the image above.

I gave my pupils the opportunity to try it out and Victor raised his hand to say “ANTS”. A round of applause was given to smart Victor and I added an instruction that a word that contained all the given letters be formed.
My very gentle Deborah raised her hand and said “SATIN”. All my pupils are smart and awesome but Deborah amazes me always with her very gentle mode that helps her carefully think outside the box.

I appreciated their efforts and checked the letters to form other words myself. Can you guess the words I formed?. I’ll tell you.

Two unique words crossed my mind, SAINT and STAIN. I picked up the marker and wrote these words on the white board. As always my pupils expressed their Surprise at how I was able to quickly come up with those words when they couldn’t after many trials.

I gave two more examples and when I was sure they all got the understanding of the exercise, I left them to do their work.

Went back to my chair and I thought about the words again SAINT and STAIN.
How that i could form two seemingly opposite words from the same letter options. And seeing the message in this happening I wrote in my jotter;


Just like we used the same letter options arranged in different ways to form two different words SAINT and STAIN, Every believers have the same factors surrounding us but the different choices we make, just like the way we arranged the letters differently determines what we make of our lives.

From the day we accept Christ, we all have time to live but what we spend our time on determines our end. Whether we spend the time on the WORD or we spend our time on the things of the WORLD.

Funny as it may, it’s what determines whether you’ll be part of the SAINTs Christ is coming to take away or not make it because your garment is filled with STAINs.

Ephesians 5:25b-27(NIV)
…,just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her, 26 to make her holy (SAINTs), cleansing her by the washing with water through the word, and to present her to himself as a radiant church, WITHOUT STAIN or wrinkle or any other blemish, but holy and blameless.


Closed my Jotter, smiled and said to myself, this should go on Faithplane.
Thanks for reading. Stay blessed and continue with us on Faithplane as the Lord opens our eyes to hidden messages in the happenings around us.
Mega love…
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