Letter of acceptance into fatherhood

Pa Kolade wiped his tears again and asked for a glass of water before he continued his story.

“Blessing was so broken and I had nothing to say to justify my actions. I cried my eyes out and was on the floor begging for her forgiveness. She was willing to forgive and let it slide until Deb came about three weeks later with the news of her pregnancy.

Blessing and Victor my roommate were in the room and I was in the toilet when I heard her voice. “Where’s Kolade?!”
Whaaaat! What happened to the brother before the Kolade and why was this girl shouting like this I wondered.

Anger and fear overwhelmed me at the same time as I didn’t know what to expect. This girl had left my house in a rush that day and I didn’t see her nor hear a word from her since then. I thought it was all over and there was no problem. Lo and behold! I was so wrong!

Blessing and Victor must have been watching her drama with utter surprise because next thing I heard was “Since everyone has gone dumb, just tell Kolade when he returns that I am pregnant. Oh I forgot, you both can’t even speak. Here is the result, at least you can hand it over to him when he returns. Tell him to call me so we can go register for ante-natal together, he’s going to be a father soon” she had said, laughing as she walked out of the door.

I couldn’t believe my ears.. I was dead and done for. Becoming a father??? How was I going to cope? Blessing will definitely leave me for someone else. And that devilish laughter I heard when she walked out. I sat there on the toilet seat and cried like a baby. Who do I tell that it was just a one time mistake of few minutes pleasure that has led me into this. No one will believe it was the first and only time.

I decided right there that I was not going back to fellowship because the shame would unbearable. Bro Kolade impregnated a sister while serving as an executive. I could picture all the ladies in my church talking about it and laughing.”

A walk away from destiny

“Victor knocked on the Toilet door and said Blessing had left that I could come out. I cleaned up and went straight to her house. Not knowing what to say I went flat before her pleading.

I cried and she cried too. All I said didn’t count and the relationship couldn’t continue.
My life ended that day as I walked out of her apartment, I was not only walking out a building but out of destiny.
Never was it my plan to hurt the love of my life. But my insincerity in recognizing my weakness and taking cautions led me to it.
Dear young brothers, Never in your life lie to yourself that you can resist what you ought to flee from.”

Life with Deborah

“I had no choice but to take up the responsibility of fatherhood. I struggled through my final year in school and no better word describes it better than hell.
Victor left my apartment as Deb moved in to be catered for. My parents were unwilling to help me in any way. And I had to do a lot of side jobs to make ends meet.

Let’s not even go into the details of her bad character. That lady was pure evil! sent to me from the pit of hell.
I discovered later that she didn’t even go through any pain with any aunt. She was born and brought up by a single mother. One who happened to be the devil’s reincarnate herself.
She stopped school and wouldn’t take up any business nor learn any skill. All she knew how to do was complain.

I remember her complaining about me not touching her; “You don’t touch me and meet my needs Kolade. Other men come with their wives to the hospital to learn what they ought to do to make child birth easy for their wives but you won’t even speak with me let alone come close” she had said.

I looked at her in anger and felt like strangling her and letting her die but I restrained myself and just said , I never loved you, never wanted to touch you at all and if you force me, the touch you will get will be a blow to hell. And I walked out of the house.

I spent most of my nights at the bar , drinking to alleviate my sorrows but it was all a temporary escape, I always woke up the next morning to a greater one. Unending debts and yet no job opportunities except few quick labor works. Ladies tried coming close to me but I never allowed them.
The discipline I lacked at the point of need, I learnt by force.”

Baby Ayomide

“She finally had a baby boy and soon after we relocated to town since I had finished schooling. Her mother moved in with us to care for the baby. Baby Ayomide fell sick often and it was later discovered that he was suffering from Sickle cell anaemia. Deb and I both had the same genotype AS, but by reason of how it all happened no one thought of that.

I don’t think I am ready to go into details of the troubles I went through with that witch of a lady under the same roof with me. I struggled to put food on the table and all I got in return were regular complaints and nagging. And we spent days in and out of the hospital Caring for a sick child.
It’s truly better to stay single than to marry a witch. There were days I trekked long distance because I was stranded and I didn’t want to beg.

My spiritual life was nothing to write home about. I couldn’t even go to God in prayers because I thought God was angry at me and would not have me back. How do you even pray in an atmosphere of hatred and anger?”

Suicide O’clock

The day I will never forget was when I decided to commit suicide and end it all. I couldn’t take it again. I sat down to think of the great goals I had to go study abroad with Blessing and Victor and my dream of becoming a very good digital analyst. All of these and more had all gone down the drain and there was no way of escape anywhere around. I got the rat poison and was about to swallow when my phone rang. It was Victor calling.

Victor was a true friend and he really helped when he could in his little way.
I hesitated at for but later picked up the phone and answered the call.
“Hello Kay BoBo, I have a bitter-sweet news for you o”
I told him to go on with it and he said;.
“You know Blessing and I have been working on our plan to travel abroad for our masters program now. We got it all settled yesterday and will be traveling next week”

It was really a bitter-sweet news. Victor and Blessing were coursemates in school and it was on one of her visits to our house to study I met her. I was happy about the news and about the fact that my mistakes didn’t hinder Blessing from making progress. But the thoughts of Victor leaving me was a bitter one. He continued to say;
“Ehmmmm actually Blessing desires to see you before we leave, I don’t know if that will be possible”

Pa Kolade smiled a little since he had started his story and continued……

“I am very much available, when should I come, send me the address. I will be there.
Victor sent me an address of a restaurant and we agreed to meet the next day.

I didn’t sleep that night as I was anticipating the meeting. Blessing had refused to see me since the day I left her because she said she needed her space to heal. Now she was traveling and she had asked to see me.
I went to meet them the next day and she was looking more radiant and gorgeous.
I am sorry Blessing was all I could say as I saw her and I broke down in tears.
She gave me her handkerchief to wipe my tears. She said Victor always told her of my many struggles and assured me that all will be well.

“I am praying for you Kolade and I know all will be well, I tried all I could to see ways I could assist and this is all I could get.” She said, stretching an envelope to me.
I collected and opened it. It was an appointment letter to work as a Digital analyst at B&K Nigeria Limited. My name was written on it and I didn’t understand how she did it. I wasn’t called for an interview, I didn’t submit my CV and I was holding my appointment letter to work as a Digital analyst in one of the Biggest firms in Lagos.

“Don’t ask how, just continue giving thanks to God and Please return to the father. Running away from God is not the solution to your troubles but turning back to him to help you through by his mercies. You are to resume on 22nd of August and that means you can see us off to the airport on 18th of August, when you resume, the firm will train you on how to go about all and I trust your Smartness, you will pick up quick.” She added.

I cried and cried and I was dumbfounded. I was too happy to eat anything. We prayed together and parted to meet again on the 18th of August.

I was overwhelmed with Joy and did as Blessing had instructed. Fell on my knees and prayed to the father, thanking him for all and praying for mercy. I had really missed the presence.

I saw them off to the airport that day, hugged Blessing as she left and repeatedly said to her. “You are a Blessing indeed!!!”.

Certificate of separation

I resumed work and all was beginning to get better and my salary was enough to feed us all but wasn’t enough to restore my son’s health.

He was three years when he left. Deborah is nothing short of a witch. She killed my son. He had been rushed home from school to meet his mum. The stupid woman refused to take her to the hospital saying she had no money on her.
Unfortunately, I stayed late at work and had a very busy day I didn’t even hear my phone ringing.
I got home to see a dead child and herself and her mother weeping. Neighbors were consoling them.
I simply Carried the child’s corpse and drove straight to the hospital, he was confirmed dead and the death certificate was issued. We took him home and had him buried the next morning.
I walked towards Deborah and handed over the death certificate to her and I said to her.
That which joins us together is dead and so is whatsoever it is you think we share. I give you till next week Thursday to leave this house.

I went into my room, packed few things, Called office I will be needing a week off and drove to a Prayer mountain. I was there for 7 days and when I returned, they had left. The evil Deborah and her devilish mother.
It was four years after then I met Ayoola, my wife and we got married. I was graced to return back to God and accepted back by my parents but the scars of the experience remains till date.


1. As simple as 1Corinthians 6:18 reads;
Flee from sexual immorality. All other sins a man commits are outside his body, but he who sins sexually sins against his own body.
It is important to note that the word Flee means run away quickly, In a swift manner and without delay. Not a moment to start weighing options, not a time to start trying your strength and checking your ability to resist temptation, But a time to FLEE and Flee IMMEDIATELY!

2. Be sensitive and discerning. So as to know what to do and where you ought to be per time.
Pa Kolade might have been rescued from the mistake if he had chosen to remain with the others in the meeting, the tiredness notwithstanding.
Not every feeling of bodily weakness should be permitted to rule you. Sometimes they are workings of the devil to lure you into greater danger.

2 Samuel 11: 1-2
In the spring, at the time when kings go off to war, David sent Joab out with the king’s men and the whole Isrealite army. They destroyed the Ammonites and besieged Rabbah. But David remained in Jerusalem.
One evening David got up from his bed and walked around on the roof of the palace. From the roof he saw a woman bathing. The woman was very beautiful.

3. Proverbs 28:13
He who conceals his sins does not prosper, but whoever confesses and renounces them finds mercy.
It’s a waste of time and a great disaster to think you can hide your sins from God by leaving his presence and neglecting fellowship, for he knows all things.
But thanks be to God for his unfailing loving kindness, for he desires not that sinners rot in their sins but that they repent and be restored.
Stop trying to run away. Love and mercy awaits you in the presence of the father.
God bless and keep us all as we continue on Faithplane, a journey through faithway.

5 thoughts on “PAPA KOLADE’S STORY 2”

  1. wow!!! This is a call to be cautious, because better is prevention than curing.
    More ink to your pen ma.
    God bless🙂🙏✓✓✓

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