I spent the early years of my life in a horrible prison and the worst cell specifically. Every day I spent there came with its own pains and troubles.

No day went by without one or more corpses being taken out the cells. I was there on account of numerous offences from cheating,lying,stealing,violence,and sexual abuse to murder.I already spent 10years and it felt like I had been forgotten there.

Right from my first day I expected my execution but it happened that I waited that long for reasons I knew not..

The day finally came, I saw this man in uniform,open my cell gate and said; “There’s one left,thought this cell was empty”.
Only then did I realize that my cell mates had been taken out and the improper functioning of my mental set up had got me thinking we were still eight.
He led me out of the cell and straightaway to the court room.

I saw people in different attires,those I never saw where I was coming from. I kit felt like their eyes would make me vanish into thin air,but I moved still.
I took position,to hear my long awaited execution judgement..

The sentence

I looked up at the Judge and he said something that sounded like “free”.
I looked up at the Judge again,this time pulling out my ears and reading his lips with full concentration and I heard well.
“You are free,the offences have been cleared” he said.
I felt my mouth in motion as the words came out weakly,I said;
“What?,cleared by who?,did you check well my…..

I believe

I couldn’t complete my statement as the Judge cut in saying;
“Hey!,from the records I have here,there are no offences on your page again,but if you don’t believe,you can go back in there”
For the first time in 10years I shouted I BELIEVE!.
As I walked out of the court room,a little girl ran to meet me and said;

“Hey lady,you care to know how you got freedom?
I nodded quickly.
And,She smiled and said;

On a hill over there;
There’s a cross and On that cross,
There’s blood for You. 


No matter how often you have heard it or talked about it, be intentional about taking out time to meditate on Jesus’ sacrifice for us.
He paid all that we may be saved and receive total Freedom.
Jesus loves you,
Jesus loves me,
Jesus loves all of us.

In the spirit of Easter celebration

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