About a month ago, I sat on my bed thinking about the state of the Nation. There were so many things to be bothered about and so many reasons to be worried. But of all the problems, my heart was so heavy and I felt so burdened about the lives of our young ones.

News and announcements here and there of missing kids and lost teenagers. Even the adults were not left out, but the helpless condition of the young was my major heart pain.

Who will save us from these beasts behind the shadows, snatching our children and the leaders of tomorrow.  Who will save us from the unseen hands turning off the lights  we look to when our dark present tries to overwhelm us.

A sincere conclusion I made from these unending torment in the land. Men have tried and failed, and even the techniques of the watchmen seems futile.

Tears flowed down my eyes, It felt like all hope was lost and rescue so far away.

And in my hopeless situation and point of zero trust and dependence on the logical and physical efforts of men, I heard a voice from behind me, IF THERE’S A MAN TO PRAY, THERE IS A GOD TO ANSWER.

I fell on my knees, bowed my head and poured out my heart to the one who was able and willing to save us all. As I prayed, I remembered the words in ;

Matthew 5:3 “You’re blessed when you’re at the end of your rope. With less of you there is more of God and his rule.

And I cried;

“We are at the end of the rope Lord, come and rule and let your will be done”


Instead of the daily complaints and condemnation of the leaders and the Nation, INTERCEDE.

Always remember, that even the leaders are men and can get to points of confusion, that’s why we need to look to God and call for his LEADERSHIP.

Don’t say all hope is lost if you have not PRAYED about it.

1 Thessalonians 5:17 pray all the time;

4 thoughts on “IF THERE’S A MAN TO PRAY”

  1. This is a wake-up call to the power of prayer and intercession!
    Men ought always to pray, and not to faint!
    Great write-up!

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