My name is Success Wright and I am not mad doctor! I am not!..I know what I am saying!.
Just listen to what I have to say….

I came as a Divine gift to Mr and Mrs Wright 22 years ago, eight years after the birth of Julius Wright,my elder brother. At age 2, I got a baby sister, Precious.

My parents knew nothing about loving and serving God right. All they thought us was the regular routine of dressing to compete in church every Sunday and pouring out all of our needs and desires to a God we didn’t even know. Dad left us when I was about to conclude my WAEC examination and we had only mum to teach us.

I continued living this way- not understanding the meaning of spirituality and just striving to live a moral life. At age 18 years old, I gained admission into the university to study Economics and that was where I received true salvation and I started the sweet walk with the father.

One year after my salvation, I began to hear God well and following his instructions.
On a peaceful Sunday evening while I was praying for my spiritual growth, I heard clearly from the Spirit; “You are the light in your family”. With great Joy in my heart, I picked my pen and jotter and wrote the words down in capital letters.

I remember the excitement I felt on that day as I was dancing and singing; “This little light of mine, I am gonna let it shine….”

At every prayer gathering I joined after that day, I will get a reminder “You are the light in your family” . And like a little baby, I will fall face down in submission. Crying and promising God that I will do all that I needed to do to ensure my family got saved.

But I never did a thing. All of those emotions disappeared at the exit door of such gatherings and I went on with my normal life.

I remember the first time I tried to preach to my mum. I stood right there before her and all I could say was “Mum, I love you so much”. I was about adding “but Jesus loves you more” when  her phone rang and that was the end of the discussion.

I lost count of the number of times I received step by step instructions on doing what will change my family for good. But without any efforts from my side, all remained as it were.

On the day the tragedy happened, I was home for holidays, cooking Vegetable soup in the kitchen. Mum was sitted there with me and complaining about how reckless Precious,my younger sister was living. All I could say was that she needed to rest more and worry less about it so her Blood pressure doesn’t shoot up again.

The Loud horn of a car outside the gate interrupted our talk and I ran out to see who it was. I saw Vicky, Julius’ present girlfriend running towards me and shouting and crying “I told him not to go but he didn’t listen, I told him to stop the business with those people but he never listened”.

She held me tight, weeping and wailing and I saw Julius’ friends pulling out what looked like my brother and as they brought it closer I saw clearly.It really looked like my brother but I didn’t want to believe what I saw.

Mum ran out of the house to see what was happening, she screamed and screamed. I still hear her voice ringing in my ears “Julius you said you were coming back home to meet me but you never said you will be brought in dead!!!”

Vicky kept on screaming “I told him not to go!!!”. I couldn’t find any words to say and as I walked towards mum to hold her up, she…. she hugged me tight, I felt her heart beat faster and her body vibrating.

“I can’t stand this Success, I can’t” were her last words before the palpitations. I told her to stay with me…I could see in her eyes that she wanted to stay but her body didn’t allow her..The tears kept flowing from her eyes till she breathed her last right in my arms.

I can’t describe how I felt at that point. Mum died in my hands at the point Julius was brought in for burial.

Neighbors were already coming in to know what was going on. They took mum from me and rushed her to the hospital but she really was dead.

Then, Aunt Vero came in helping my baby sister Precious.
I had just been faced with the greatest pain I could have never have pre imagined and Precious was being assisted to walk..

“Where have you been Precious??? Where???.. Aunt Vero won’t let me talk. She came close and said into my ears;
“Calm down success, Precious had an abortion and it almost went wrong but she’ll be fine okay”. Everything will be fine.

It all happened so quick. Family members came home, mum’s corpse was brought home from the hospital. Men began digging graves and Precious couldn’t even stand..She was obviously in pains.

Aunt Vero started her speech; “Success you are a strong woman, you are going to be strong for your sister and you will get through this”

I told her right there and I say here again, I am not a strong woman!!!! I am nothing better than a wicked being, selfish and without compassion. I was given the key to unlock the chains my family was caged in and instead of using it, I threw it into the river and tightened the chains more. Neglecting their need for salvation till death.

I had a lot of opportunities to tell my family about Christ and save them from all these but I did Nothing!!!
Nothing Doctor!! Nothing!!

So I confessed that I killed them, I told Aunt Vero and all the people present that my hands are stained with the blood of my family members and instead of taking me to the Police they brought me here!!!
I am not mad!
I know what I am saying!
Take me away from this psychiatric hospital!


Ezekiel 3:18
[18]When I say unto the wicked, Thou shalt surely die; and thou givest him not warning, nor speakest to warn the wicked from his wicked way, to save his life; the same wicked man shall die in his iniquity; but his blood will I require at thine hand.

This is a call to the mandate. A reminder for all that have received the instructions on how to spread the Gospel.
Stop the procrastination. Don’t allow fear stop you, the blood of these men shall be required at thine hand.
Carry on the good works, raise the banner of Christ high and let your light shine from you to your family and the society at large.
God help us as we do so.


8 thoughts on “STAINED HANDS”

  1. Neglecting burdens for our closed ones is directly proportional to wickedness – Kunmisola 2021

    Very deep story here ma! You can do more!!!

  2. Ogbole Victor Ehis

    An urgent call to evangelism
    God bless your heart
    May you always be aligned to receive instructions that will alter the destiny of men

  3. Wow! Wow!! Wow!!!
    What an awesome write-up!
    Big kudos to you ma’am.
    It’s indeed an inspiring piece.
    I pray the Lord Almighty not only grants me the power to be a hearer of His word but to be a doer of it also.
    More unction to function!

  4. It is yet another reminder to us all to preach the gospel of Christ.
    Evangelism our supreme task, it is non negotiable.

    More knowledge and revelation sister.

  5. Hmm… This is really an eye opener to me specifically… “This little light of mine…let it shine(3ce)” that the song is not just to be sang but to be manifested… Thumbs up sis 👍

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