
Innocent Happy dropped a message some days ago, which says;
“I don’t even see the meaning of my name anymore. My Happiness turned sour since mum got married to Mr R. He’s never satisfied with the pleasures he gets from mum. Every Friday night, he comes into my room and he touches me in ways I can’t even explain. Mum won’t even listen to me. He pays our bills, sends me to the best school and that’s all she cares about. I am only allowed to go to school and church and no where else. No one knows the pains underneath these expensive clothes.
I feel so filthy when I am with my mates in school and so I have no friends. Teachers have tried to make me speak up but I can’t even bring myself to confide in any of them because all they know how to do best is use one as their topic for discussion without giving any help.
I see no future and I see no Joy, I will just live the days as they come and wait till the time is up”


I was on my way back from work and waiting for a bus when I decided to get bottled water from the small shop I found around. And that was where I met Jennifer.
As I got close, I saw a young girl in an argument with an older woman, I heard the woman say “You lack home training,you little witch” and walk away.
I waited some seconds before speaking. “Hello dear, can I get a bottled water please?”
I looked closely and I saw this sweet little girl was crying.
I carefully walked into the shop and pulled her close. No one deserves to be insulted that way especially not a little girl.
“What’s your name dearest and do you mind sharing with me whatever it is that’s bothering you?” I asked.
” My name is Jennifer ma, everyone complains that I am rude and don’t know how to relate with customers, but it’s not my fault. I try my best to wear a smile as I sell goods here for Grandma?. But each morning I see children my age going to school, my heart breaks and the smile leaves.
Aunty I can’t get good education because my mum and Dad left me and never returned, death took them away from me. I have been staying with Grandma since then and life has not been easy. The money we make here, we spend on managing Grandma’s diabetes. I am just 12years old and I sometimes make mistakes with calculations and lose money. I don’t want to continue like this aunty, I need help”.


Chuks, a promising young lad was rushed to the hospital very late at night. It was confirmed that he was brought in dead!. Autopsy report stated that he had an overdose of methamphetamine.
Two months after Chuks was buried, his parents saw his diary and they cried as regrets pierced them deeply;

“01/04/18- Hey pal, I am a year older today and all mum and Dad could get me is just a birthday card. Veronica got an amazing treat on her birthday and so many other gifts. And all they could give me is a birthday card. I hate them all”

“7/04/18 – Hey pal, They never see me you know. I longed so much for a baby sister, not knowing I was calling for the end of my existence. They won’t hesitate to send me away that I know.

How is it my fault that I never understand what I am being taught in school?. Veronica is the only Child now because Chuks will never make them proud.
They do not see me but I promise they will see me soon.. I have got a new friend yeah. It has promised to make me HIGH!!! I will be higher than them all and all we see me then.

“22/04/18 – Hey pal, you have been a good listener, but you don’t talk back to me.meth does a better work right now, talk to you soon”


I thought female children are the main victims of sexual abuse until I met David.
“Many times I have considered suicide to end it all. I appear as the perfect son of the Reverend to all, but no one knows I have been struggling with masturbation since age 14. I was an innocent church boy and living a peaceful life when the Nanny my parents employed would force me into doing a lot of immoral things. My parents were never available and so it continued.
After she left I couldn’t control the urges she had awoken and I had to help myself.
Most times i remain indoors and just can’t control It.I don’t like it and I know it’s really bad but I don’t know how to stop it. Help me”

End notes

All of these cases and many more are the veiled pains we are too busy to notice. Our young ones and teenagers all over the world with different challenges.
So many are out there, living from hand to mouth with no expectations of food from anywhere.
Some have the food but yearn for someone to listen to them.
While some others are totally lost and don’t know what the problem is for them.

It’s such a pity, many who are called to help these young children out of their plights are too busy to even notice.
Intercessors seem to be ignorant of how fast the devil invades the church by first capturing the children and teens. Sexual abuse, emotional instability, low self-esteem and depression , how hard it would be for one who has passed through this to ever believe in the God of love? That’s the devil’s way. But the eyes of the soldiers who should war against this are on something else and they are ignorant of this device of the devil.

Parents have neglected their duties and just like Daniel, many have been led astray.
Many children like Chuks have gone into the street for the lack of love and good relationship with their parents who have chosen to see them as the bad egg in the family.
Elder siblings claim too busy building their own spiritual life, they fail to hear the night cries of their younger ones.

Just as people have prayed, the Lord has answered, blessing them with prosperity and wealth. Now they do not see the little children who need assistance because all they are focused on is how to make more money.


– Be sensitive and observant
-Be a friend to those around you and be willing to help them grow in wisdom and in the knowledge of God.
-Intercede for the children and teenagers, always.
-“The problems we have can never end in this Nation, let’s enjoy life when we can” we say. I hear you loud and clear but I also need you to hear me when I say that there’s no greater blessings and enjoyment than that which you feel when you help a single child in need and put a smile on his/her face.
– Do all that’s on your Power till the children be brought closer to the father and under his shadow. That the prophesy be fulfilled.

Joel 2:28 “And that’s just the beginning: After that – “I will pour out my Spirit on every kind of people: Your sons will prophesy, also your daughters. Your old men will dream, your young men will see visions.

Psalms 127:3 Don’t you see that children are God’s best gift? the fruit of the womb his generous legacy?

A gift not well taken care of breaks the heart of the giver. Let’s give the father Joy by building these gifts well to his Glory.
All the Glory to the father and unending shame to defeated devil.

Let’s continue daily on Faithplane-The Journey through faithway.

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