Happy Birthday

November 14,2014 started on a very beautiful note..I woke up to receive the greatest surprise of my life.
My sister came into the room with a loud shout of “Happy birthday sleepy head!”, I jumped up to slap her face for interrupting my sleep but as I opened my eyes, I saw the best people in my life positioned around my bed.

As I tried to recall what the day’s date was,my mum started the Happy Birthday song and the others joined her. I was close to tears and short of words,all I could say was “I love you all”.
My younger sister hugged me and said “save your tears till you see what awaits you in the living room”..
“What! You mean there’s more?” I said in amazement and anticipation.

I jumped out of Bed, ran out to the living room and truly I couldn’t control the overflow of tears as I saw Victor. Victor is the love of my life, my fiance and the one I have chosen to spend my life with.
“Victor is this why I couldn’t reach you all through yesterday?” I said in between sobs..
Victor is doing his Masters in Canada, studying Pharmacology and we have plans of getting married immediately he returns.

I spent 3hours on a phone call with Victor two days before my birthday and he didn’t even say a word it. I thought he had forgotten and I had a long speech prepared already to blast him for forgetting my day.
And there before me was my Victor standing so close and in reality not virtual, holding a beautiful bouquet of flowers and saying “Happy birthday to you sweetheart”.

I hugged him really tight and didn’t want to let go, I missed him so much and can’t wait for the studies to be over.
He lovingly turned my head face up towards him, looked straight into my eyes and said “There is a lot to do in this generation babe, a whole lot, and we will do it together in love and sweetness”.
If there’s one thing I have learnt and really appreciate since the start of my relationship with Victor, it is his unique way of reminding me of our purpose and visions always.

I didn’t take my eyes off his until I gave him the reply he was expecting; ” Together dearest,in love, always and forever”.
I looked all around me and I couldn’t find words to say to these people who left their daily activities to make me happy.

All I could say was “You are all more than enough for me”

Black Out

Mum told me to go to my room, freshen up and come join them.
As I turned towards my room,I felt a very heavy force come over me in form of a wind. I couldn’t feel my legs anymore and my head felt completely empty. I tried to rest against the wall and put myself together, I felt my eye lids coming together till I couldn’t see anything or anyone. It was light out and all turned dark.

“Stay with me baby,stay with me!” came the voice of my dear Victor.
I wanted to open my eyes, I wanted to speak and let him know I was going nowhere without him but I couldn’t. Gradually his voice became fainter and fainter till I could hear him no more, all went silent and I heard nothing.

All went Blank…..

The Report

As I regained consciousness, I tried opening my eyes to know what was going on around me, tried moving my hands to give a sign but all was impossible. All I could do was breathe.
Then, I heard a voice beside me saying;
“She has just 24hours to live and I doubt if she will survive that long”

I had so many questions.
Where was I ?
Who has just 24hours or less to live?
That definitely wasn’t referring to me, was it?.
I just hit 23 today and I have just a day to live?
How is that even possible?
What will happen to Victor and all of our plans and visions?
What will happen to my family if I die?
What will happen when I am gone?So many questions with no answer from any one.

The Vision

I wasn’t ready to die and so I struggled and struggled till my eyes were opened. I saw myself in a very cold and quiet graveyard and I was so terrified.
It felt so lifeless and there was no one to speak to. I fell to the ground with my head bowed and I asked myself;
“Is this what death feels like?”
“Am I really dead?”
“Is the journey over?”
I remained there trying to think of how I lived my life on Earth, how many lives I impacted and how I served the Lord. After a long reminisce about it all, I was disappointed in my self and was sure God will be disappointed too.

Many times I have had opportunities to preach the gospel to people but I procrastinated and will always say; “I am still working on myself, I will preach when I know more”

Thinking about the lives of the young ones the Lord positioned around me and how I should have impacted them. “There’s still time,I will do that when I start the Teenager’s ministry” was what I preached to myself.
The tears started flowing when I remembered some instances of impartation services and power nights where I had received Gifts of the Holy Spirit and power for exploits. I bit my lips in regret as it dawned on me that I really wasted time and resources.
I cried “Another chance Lord, I will do better this time”

The door

As I lifted my face upwards, I saw a transparent door before me. I ran to the door and as I looked through, I heard a voice say; “Earth!”
I looked closely and saw the pictures of people on Earth, going about with their ever busy lives, some were buying, others were selling. Some sleeping, others working. Some silent, others talking. Some rejoicing while others were mourning. So many pictures of so many events.
I looked on and asking no one in particular,I said “What is this???”
Peaceful,yet striking came the reply as a song , echoing through the quietness of the graveyard;

“Fading away like the stars of the morning.
Losing their light in the glorious sun.
Thus would we pass from the earth and it’s toiling,
Only remembered by what we have done.”

I turned around to see if there was anyone with me there but found none.
And as I turned to the door again, it opened up and I walked through it.

Another Chance

As I walked through, I felt a push from behind and I jerked back to life.
I saw myself on the hospital bed with my mum, my sister and Victor staring at me.
I could not control the flow of the tears, Victor hugged me tight and said “I told them you were going nowhere, not without me!”
As I opened my mouth to respond, I heard my self singing;

Only remembered, only remembered
Only remembered by what we have done,
Thus would we pass from the earth and it’s toiling,
Only remembered by what we have done.

Psalms 103:15 – 16
15 As for man, his days are as grass: as a flower of the field, so he flourisheth.
16 For the wind passeth over it, and it is gone, and the place thereof shall know it no more.

End Notes

Are you like the writer in the above story? making yourself believe that there’s still time and you will start working in purpose in the nearest future?.
This is me telling you, move the future closer and let the future be now!!!.

Many have died without fulfilment and so many more have gone without utilizing the great potentials the Lord gave unto them. Not everyone will have the opportunity of a second chance.

“There is time for everything” ,yes I agree with you and I also need you to see that it’s time to start making impacts and doing the exploits you have been empowered to do.
Do not allow procrastination, the time is too short and we need to use it wisely.

God Bless and strengthen us as we call ourselves to ACTION!

John 4:35
Say not ye, There are yet four months, and then cometh harvest? behold, I say unto you,lift up your eyes, and look on the fields; for they are white already to harvest.

Join the harvest Now!!!.
Buckle your shoes and fasten your belt as we continue on Faithplane; the journey through Faithway.


3 thoughts on “HER LAST DAY”

  1. Well done Kunmisola. I am super proud of you and your superb write ups. I pray that the Lord continues to inspire you to do much more

  2. TMA❤️💡🔥

    Wow! Indeed I am blessed🥺
    Fading away like THE STARS OF THE MORNING.
    LOSING THEIR LIGHT in the glorious sun.
    Thus would WE PASS from the earth and it’s toiling,
    Powerful words🥺🤲🏻
    Thank you ma

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