In times when all seems dark.

When all we crave so much for is a little spark.
Evil spreads to the front and back.

Back to being without harmony.
Some killing for money.
Others looking out for honey.
But all that’s truly needed is a journey.

A journey to a place of hope.
To rebuild faith is the scope.
No worries on how to cope.
We’ll all go along the rope.

The rope that leads to the OLIVES.
To all who choose to Live.
We’ll get hold of the leaves.

Leaves and fruits we’ll press.
We’ll press and press
Till the oil be expressed.

Expressed to re-ignite the Lamp.
Not just a spark of low amp.
But a full Burning Lamp…

All around us, there seem to be no hope again and we are already thinking about giving it all up and forgetting about all of our efforts.

The thought of what might come afterwards is already eating us up and we don’t even feel like going on with life.

All of these is normal and happens to all sometimes but how we react to it is what determines what comes from it. It is called down times. And in times like this,it is expedient that we take prayer as a dose,go  back to the secret place and draw from the father so we can be strengthened again.

The fire on our altar should be re-ignited so we can pull through.Just like in the times of old, a constant burning on the altar is required for the journey.

Leviticus 6:9 “Command Aaron and his sons. Tell them, These are the instructions for the Whole-Burnt-Offering. Leave the Whole-Burnt-Offering on the Altar hearth through the night until morning, with the fire kept burning on the Altar.


Stay Fired up.

Stay Blessed as we continue on this journey on Faithway.

2 thoughts on “JOURNEY TO THE OLIVES”

  1. JOURNEY TO THE OLIVE….pressing on to get the olive to reignite the fire in us… Thanks so much for your time to time reminder ma’am… More ink to your pen ma

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